Dill Fragranced Tuna Salad with Chargrilled Sweetcorn & Sweet Potato Crouton

Dill Fragranced Tuna Salad with Chargrilled Sweetcorn & Sweet Potato Crouton

  • Servings: 1-2
  • Difficulty: easy
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Dill Fragranced Tuna Salad with Chargrilled Sweetcorn & Sweet Potato Crouton







I find that having canned fish like tuna or salmon in my kitchen cupboard is very handy, specially on those days when I can’t think of what I want for my dinner. There are so many different ways one can play around with the fish.

Have been meaning to experiment with tuna salad for quite some time so when I was stuck for dinner idea the other day, it provided me with the perfect opportunity to get kookily creative.

This is another main course salad which balances contrasting flavours and textures. The sweetcorn has been grilled over the flame for a smokey taste (smokiness enhanced by some smoked paprika in the dressing) and I have also thrown in some extra vegetables for good measure.

I wanted to include sweet potato in the salad but didn’t want it boiled and mushy so decided to make croutons instead.

fresh dill makes this healthy and delicious tuna salad memorably fragrant


1 Small can tuna

1 Small sweet potato

1 Sweet corn on the cob

1 Carrot

2 Tomato

1 Small bunch spring onion

1/4 Cup fresh dill leaves

8-10 Pitted black olives

1 Tablespoon capers

1 Tablespoon olive oil

Juice of 1 lime or lemon

1-2 Teaspoons mustard powder

1-2 Teaspoons smoked paprika

1 Tablespoon mayonnaise (lite/low fat/regular)

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Rock salt to taste


  1. Follow this method to make sweet potato croutons.
  2. Char grill the sweet corn on a flame. Alternatively, you can do this in a grill or an oven.
  3. Once the sweet corn has cooled down, remove the kernels. The easiest way is to run a knife down the cob.
  4. Drain the tuna.
  5. Wash, scrape and coarsely grate the carrot.
  6. Wash, wipe and finely dice the tomato.
  7. Trim, wash, wipe and finely chop the spring onion (including the green part).
  8. Wash, dry and chop the dill leaves.
  9. Take a large salad bowl and throw in the sweet corn kernels, tuna, carrot, tomato, spring onion and dill.
  10. Add the olives and capers and toss well.
  11. Next, make the dressing.
  12. In a bowl, whisk together the olive oil, juice of lime or lemon, black pepper, smoked paprika, mustard powder, rock salt and mayonnaise.
  13. Pour this dressing over the prepared salad and mix everything together.
  14. Lastly, add the sweet potato crouton, mix once again and serve.


      • Oh Applesauce! (as Pip would say)… i’m afraid there is no recipe. They are truly inferior to yours. I just add to a box of cheap noodles, or simply make a sandwich… (However, i do like the sandwich spread with cream cheese (remember i’m allergic to eggs, so i can’t use mayonnaise) add some spinach (rather than lettuce). Not bad at all really…)

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