Kantola & Pumpkin Curry

Kantola & Pumpkin Curry

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: easy
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Kantola & Pumpkin Curry







My love affair with kantola continues as I try to make the most of this elusive vegetable which is nearing the end of its season for this year.

Today’s recipe is another experiment from my kooky kitchen. I wanted to try out kantola paired with another vegetable in a curry (as opposed to a dry version).

Pumpkin came to mind because of its contrasting texture and taste.

The sauce is yoghurt based to give a bit of tarty kick.

I have also thrown in some tomato for good measure to boost the nutritional value of the dish.

opposites attract and, in this case, they make a very delicious pair

Will go equally well with any type of bread or rice. Serve some sliced onions doused in lime juice on the side.


250 Grams kantola

150 Grams pumpkin

2 Large tomato

Head of one large garlic

Small bunch fresh coriander

1/2 Cup tart/strong/sour yoghurt

1 Tablespoon cumin powder

1 Tablespoon coriander powder

1 Teaspoon turmeric powder

1 Teaspoon garam masala powder

1 Tablespoon minced ginger-green chilli paste

1 Teaspoon carom seeds (ajwain)

1 Teaspoon mustard seeds

1 Teaspoon fennel seeds

1 Tablespoon oil

Salt to taste


  1. Wash and dry the kantola.
  2. Depending on their size, either quarter them or slice them.
  3. Wash and cube the pumpkin. I prefer to leave the skin on but you can peel it if you wish.
  4. Wash and roughly chop the tomato.
  5. Peel and slice the garlic along its length.
  6. Chop, wash and dry the coriander.
  7. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  8. Once it is hot, lower the heat and throw in the mustard seeds followed by the carom and fennel seeds.
  9. Stir around for 30 seconds.
  10. Add the sliced kantola with salt to taste.
  11. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
  12. In the meantime, whisk the yoghurt and add all the spices: coriander powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder, turmeric powder and paste of ginger-green chilli. Mix well.
  13. Return to the kantola. Uncover the pan and add the pumpkin, tomato and garlic.
  14. Add the spiced yoghurt mix.
  15. Combine everything together, cover and cook for 30 minutes till the vegetables are soft.
  16. Take off the heat and let the curry rest for about 5 minutes.
  17. Uncover, add the coriander leaves, mix and serve.

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