Lal Saag & Mooli Muthia/Savoury Steamed Dumplings of Amaranth Leaves & Mooli

Savoury Steamed Dumplings of Amaranth Leaves & Mooli

  • Servings: 2-3
  • Difficulty: easy
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Lal Saag & Mooli Muthiya







I am trying to incorporate more leafy vegetables in my daily diet. Spinach, fenugreek leaves, dill and amaranth leaves are staples with my vegetable seller. I really don’t know why I don’t buy more of them and am consciously trying to change that pattern.

It has been a long time since I have posted muthia recipe so here is another one from my repertoire which includes lal saag (amaranth leaves) and mooli along with its green leaves.

super delicious, low in fat and totally satisfying

Unlike some greens which tend to be delicate, amaranth leaves and their tender stems are quite hardy and so can withstand the extended steaming time required to cook these muthia.

I have ready muthia flour which I used along with some bajra atta (flour of pearl millet) and instant oats. If you want to try this recipe in your kitchen but don’t have the ready flour, you can use a mix of coarsely ground wheat flour and coarse semolina along with any other flour of your choice like bajra, jowar (sorghum) or ragi (finger millet).


2 Cups muthia flour

1 Cup bajra flour

1/2 Cup instant oats

500 Grams amaranth leaves

1 Large mooli

1-2 Tablespoons sesame seeds

1-2 Tablespoons paste of minced green chillies and ginger

1 Tablespoon Turmeric powder

1 Tablespoon oil

1 Teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (plain Eno)

Salt to taste


  1. Chop and wash the amaranth leaves. Include tender stems.
  2. Scrape, wash and finely grate the mooli.
  3. Chop and wash leaves of mooli.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, add the vegetables and remaining ingredients.
  5. Mix everything well with your hand.
  6. Continue mixing and bringing everything together. At this stage, if you feel that the ratio of vegetables is greater, add some more flour.
  7. Check for salt and add some if you feel the need.
  8. Form into 3-4″ oval shaped dumplings.
  9. Place the dumplings in a steamer and steam for about 30-45 minutes.
  10. Insert a toothpick or a knife and if it comes out clean, this means that the muthia are cooked.
  11. Take them off the heat and let them rest for 5 minutes before serving. If you try to take them out of the steamer when just cooked, they may break so you have to allow some rest time.
  12. Put the cooked muthia on a plate, slice them, drizzle some oil and enjoy hot with green or red chutney.


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