Kantola & Arbi

Kantola & Arbi

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: easy
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Kantola & Arbi








indulge me my current kantola fetish a bit more my dear kooky readers

Today’s recipe is another made-up one from my kooky repertoire.

I thought of marrying the two seasonal vegetables for a hearty and delicious dish which can be enjoyed hot or cold, with bread or rotis or even on its own.

Arbi, also known as taro root, is full of goodness so even if you are watching your weight, I would urge you not to dismiss it as ordinary carb.

In this recipe, the arbi is first boiled, peeled and sliced before it gets cooked with kantola. I cooked mine in a pressure cooker (three pressures on high). If you prefer, you can cook it in a pan of boiling water. Don’t worry too much about its sticky attribute; once cooked you don’t notice it.


250 Grams kantola

250 Grams arbi

1 + 1 Tablespoon coriander powder

1 + 1 Tablespoon cumin powder

1 + 1 Tablespoon turmeric powder

1 + 1 Tablespoon chilli powder

1 Tablespoon fennel seeds

1-2 Tablespoons sesame seeds

1 Tablespoon cumin seeds

1 Tablespoon mustard seeds

1 Tablespoon oil

Salt to taste


  1. Boil the arbi and once it cools down, peel and slice in rounds of medium thickness.
  2. In one bowl, add 1 tablespoon each of coriander, cumin, chilli and turmeric powder.
  3. Add this powder mix to the boiled, sliced arbi along with a pinch of salt.
  4. Toss so that the powders coat all arbi slices. Cover and set aside.
  5. Wash, dry and remove the top end of kantola.
  6. Cut the vegetable along its length and slice it.
  7. Heat the oil in a wok like pan.
  8. When the oil heats up, add the mustard seeds.
  9. Once they start spluttering, add the cumin, fennel and sesame seeds.
  10. Lower the flame and stir around for 30 seconds.
  11. Next, add the sliced kantola and the remaining powdered spices (1 tablespoon each of coriander, cumin, chilli and turmeric).
  12. Add salt to taste.
  13. Mix well, cover and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  14. Uncover and check for doneness.
  15. Add the sliced arbi coated in spice powders, mix well with the kantola, cover and cook for about 7 to 8 minutes.
  16. Take off the flame and let the cooked vegetables rest for 5 minutes before serving.

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